2020 - 2020

Most of what there is to say has already been detailed by others

HM01 - "Cuban Lady"

The HM stands for "hybrid mode" as preceding digital data is voice. This station can be heard pretty much anywhere, though I've noted northwest USA in particular gets great reception. it's not uncommon for HM01 to have errors in broadcast.

recorded october 6 2019, 1800 UTC, 11635 kHz via an SDR in Kansas

X06 - "Mazielka"

Found this right next to an S06s transmission i was tuned to. AM mode, with carrier.

recorded march 16 2020, 0832 UTC, 9245 kHz via the university of Twente's SDR

This one had broadcasted on two frequencies

recorded august 19 2020, 0817 UTC, 10145 kHz via an SDR outside Warsaw

i've heard X06b two times, however the transmissions both ended too soon. X06c lasts for many hours.

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