2020 - 2020

Not much to say about these...


M01b, as of writing, has recently gone completely inactive. M01 itself is still active with a schedule. The recording below is the only transmission of M01b I recorded. I cut it down for the website because the full recording is too long for my liking.

recorded march 16 2020, 1910 UTC, 3535 kHz via the university of Twente's SDR

MX - Letter Beacons

These are morse beacons that only send out a single letter

letter V

recorded march 27 2020, 0102 UTC, 5590 kHz via the university of Twente's SDR

letter A

recorded april 21 2020, 1826 UTC, 7509.1 kHz via the university of Twente's SDR

UNID Stations

Very recently, N&O talked about a new, possibly Bulgarian, station broadcasting on a daily schedule. I intercepted one, with the header "VVVVV PROMRÖ = 06 08 =" ending in "= AR". It sends zeros as a single dash.

Information can be found in this newsletter.

Here's a breif signal i caught myself. A sort of MCW signal, sending "143" repeating for 2 minutes. What really caught my attention was its appearance. it looked and sounded like those alarm-sounding OTHRs around 2-3 MHz. (auto-dl warning) Here's a recording.

recorded september 16 2020, 0641 UTC, 4594 kHz via an SDR outside Warsaw

Any idea what this could be? I'm no expert on morse stations, but i've never seen nor heard of any morse station that transmits like this. It had no carrier.

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