2020 - 2020
Not much to say about these...
M01b, as of writing, has recently gone completely inactive. M01 itself is still active with a schedule. The recording below is the only transmission of M01b I recorded. I cut it down for the website because the full recording is too long for my liking.
These are morse beacons that only send out a single letter
letter V
letter A
Very recently, N&O talked about a new, possibly Bulgarian, station broadcasting on a daily schedule. I intercepted one, with the header "VVVVV PROMRÖ = 06 08 =" ending in "= AR". It sends zeros as a single dash.
Information can be found in this newsletter.
Here's a breif signal i caught myself. A sort of MCW signal, sending "143" repeating for 2 minutes. What really caught my attention was its appearance. it looked and sounded like those alarm-sounding OTHRs around 2-3 MHz. (auto-dl warning) Here's a recording.
Any idea what this could be? I'm no expert on morse stations, but i've never seen nor heard of any morse station that transmits like this. It had no carrier.