2020 - 2020

S06s - "Russian Lady (5 zeros)"

S06s transmits in AM. If the reception is good, the voice can sound a bit echo-y

recorded april 21 2020, 0710 UTC, 6930 kHz via a Polish SDR

S06s sends tests. This was sent 2 minutes before the recording above.

recorded april 21 2020, 0708 UTC, 6930 kHz via a Polish SDR

S11a - "Cherta"

I'm unsure if it is every transmission, but 10 minutes before the scheduled message I heard a (presumably related) tone.

S28 - "The Buzzer"

S28 is specifically for traffic on the buzzer, not the idle buzzing tone. I have yet to hear any traffic, but i have heard and recorded the buzzer break down. The buzzer can sound a bit different at different times. Sometimes, the buzz has a long dragging sound before it. other times the signal deviates a small amount. the signal is always live at 4625 kHz. I have heard it at 9250 (2nd harmonic) and 4695, though these could be pirate rebroadcastings. And speaking of pirates, the buzzer's frequency is very popular for pirates since someone's guaranteed to be listening.

Recording of a breakdown. featuring the dragging transmitter noise the buzzer sometimes has.

recorded feburary 17 2020, 0335 UTC, 4625 kHz via the university of Twente's SDR

Full buzzer message.

recorded october 10 2020, 1542 UTC, 4625 kHz via an SDR in Warsaw

click for the buzzer on 9250 kHz. (auto dl warning) it may be a pirate. I've also heard it on 4695 and 4790 kHz

S30 - "The Pip"

The marker is active at 5448 kHz in the daytime and 3756 kHz in the nighttime. the pip's nighttime frequency is within the 80 meters band, so it is not uncommon to hear unrelated voices over it.

If you're able to recieve a strong signal, you can hear a clicking sound after each pip (auto dl warning)

S32 - "The Squeaky Wheel"

This is the first russian military station I have heard traffic from. the channel marker has noticiably changed over its' life. the wheel is on 5473 kHz in the daytime and 3828 kHz in the nighttime.

recorded july 29 2020, 0604 UTC, 5473 kHz via an SDR outside Warsaw

In this one, you can hear the pip at certain times.

recorded september 5 2020, 0755 UTC, 5473 kHz via an SDR outside Warsaw

before late May of 2020, the marker sounded different. (auto dl warning)

Other Markers

there are more stations belonging to the russian military than the buzzer, pip, and squeaky wheel.

The goose (4310 daytime 3243 nighttime) going too fast and correcting itself

recorded july 30 2020, 0604 UTC, 4310 kHz via an SDR outside Warsaw

End of a message on the goose

recorded august 18 2020, 0701 UTC, 4310 kHz via an SDR outside Warsaw

It's not uncommon for the D-marker (5292 kHz) to transmit N or a single pip instead of D

recorded april 23 2020, 2219 UTC, 5292 kHz via an SDR in Austria

Polish Military

Multiple operators with numbers and phonetics

recorded august 19 2020, 0758 UTC, 3188.5 kHz via an SDR outside Warsaw
recorded august 19 2020, 0800 UTC, 3188.5 kHz via an SDR near Prauge


Sometimes I tune into people live-reading numbers, typically counting 1-10 or 1-9 then 0. I can't say for sure what the purpose for these brief transmissions are, but i've heard rumors that they are tests for transmissions on the military stations.

Please note: these are not number stations

recorded july 9 2020, 0419 UTC, 2769 kHz via an SDR outside Warsaw
recorded may 28 2020, 0802 UTC, 4421 kHz via an SDR outside Warsaw
recorded august 29 2020, 0739 UTC, 4421 kHz via an SDR outside Warsaw

Other strange one-offs

Somewhat often do i hear numbers or phonetics in a presumed slavic language. i have plenty more recordings, but i doubt anything is very important.

recorded august 18 2020, 0659 UTC, 4421 kHz via an SDR outside Warsaw

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